Introducing the SafeSense App!

Effortlessly report traffic hazards like the obstruction of bike lines, bus lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks and more.

Traffic cones on the street at dusk

Traffic safety, taken further.

By joining our network of mobile devices, you can help eliminate injuries and fatalities by reporting traffic hazards in real time.

Phone screen on blue background showing the SafeSense app map menu, green rectangle with rounded edges floating above

Get real-time safety alerts.

Be situationally aware. Receive up-to-date information for safe and efficient travel within your community.

Man wearing bike helmet and rain gear, standing over a bike and smiling, cell phone in hand

Report accessibility hazards.

Share relevant information with members of your community to keep them safe and informed.

A person using their phone while riding a bus

View insights and hotspots.

Share equal access to the app and its unbiased information with all community members, including law enforcement.

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