Hayden AI Launches New Tool to Calculate Emissions Savings from Automated Bus Lane Enforcement

Calculator quantifies environmental impact of new technology

Hayden AI


San Francisco, CA – Hayden AI, a leader in artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, has built an emissions calculator for transit agencies to measure the environmental impact of automated bus lane enforcement (ABLE) technology. The new online tool highlights how automated enforcement keeps bus lanes clear of illegally parked vehicles, reducing emissions by increasing bus speeds and keeping buses on schedule.

Using publicly available data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, past ABLE deployments, and the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, Hayden AI’s emissions calculator hones in on greenhouse gas emissions saved by increasing bus speeds through ABLE adoption. The calculator outputs the number of metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions saved by ABLE and what these amounts mean in an everyday context, such as gallons of gas saved or number of smartphones charged.

“We’ve long known that ABLE helps the environment by increasing bus speeds and reducing the length of the trip. This calculator showcases it,” said Syed Rahman, Vice President for Transit at Hayden AI. “Getting buses out of traffic and into clear bus-only lanes is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also increases ridership, which can help decrease emissions even more by reducing car trips.”

"The environmental benefits of increasing bus speeds are clear," said Renee Autumn Ray, Senior Director of Global Strategy at Hayden AI. "We're proud that our mobile perception platform can help the New York metro region advance their environmental goals."

Users can access the emissions calculator on www.hayden.ai/emissions-calculator. Once receiving their calculation, they can download a PDF report and social media graphics on the findings. Users must input the number of buses operating on bus lanes to calculate the potential emissions saved by deploying ABLE.

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About Hayden AI

Hayden AI is a global leader in artificial intelligence and geospatial analytics. Led by a team of experts in AI, computer vision, data science, transportation, and government technology, Hayden is building the future of real world problem solving for governments and businesses.

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